Portabella? Oyster? Shiitake? All usually grown in warehouses.

Does it honestly sound proper to call them wild?

Truly wild mushrooms--including a select few treasures that can’t be cultivated--grow in the fields and forests of Illinois and surrounding states.

Where can anybody find these truly wild mushrooms? Merely step outdoors and wander. Go to where mushrooms grow. But, first, prepare yourself with knowledge.

Because knowledge is power. Delicious power.

(adapted from the book “Edible Wild Mushrooms of Illinois and Surrounding States” 2009 University of Illinois Press)

Wild mushrooms are hot in America.

Go to any fine restaurant in any city and you’ll encounter at least one dish prepared with wild mushrooms. The thing is, most of those wild mushrooms really aren’t so wild. Many were grown in damp warehouses just like the regular mushrooms we’ve all been eating for years.

First, prepare yourself with knowledge.

On becoming a wild mushroom hunter

Pick Your Own Mushrooms.

Participate in Nature.




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